
Trentham Golf Club


The first evidence of a golf course on the Duke of Sutherland's estate at Trentham was a letter in September 1894 from Miss Pigott to the Duke's Agent, George Menzies, asking him for sand for the course. The Reverend Edmund Pigott was then vicar of Trentham and was listed as a committee member in the earliest publication to mention the existence of a Club. On the basis of this entry in The Golfing Annual 1896/7 it can be confidently claimed that the Golf Club was instituted in May 1894 and had a nine hole course over which ladies played as well as men. Indeed, a Ladies' Club was separately listed with Miss Pigott as Honorary Secretary. The Golfers' Guide, volume four, for 1897, confirmed these fads and described the course as "prettily situated on the Ley''. The Duke of Sutherland was named as President and J Guy Knight the Honorary Secretary.


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